friend, smartphones have often slow sometimes make us upset, especially if the slow already late stage. hehehe, we unknowingly using a smartphone many days, months and months, even many years will affect the performance of the smartphone itself. when we're in need of a quick reply performance with our smartphones, we must have a good smartphone performance FAST AND ALIAS also not slow. No bebrapa factors that can affect the performance of our smartphones such as the memory is full, the cache is full, and another sebagainya.disini I will share a few tips to bolster the performance of our smartphones become great again as usual. miraculous thing we must do is

1. Make sure the application is in smartphones in conditions up to date

uptodate has applications also support the performance of our smartphones, according to my logic, applications are up to date is better for the developers fix bugs and performance of applications that are lighter when we open it. if there is one application that requested updated usually no notifications on the screen of your phone. and if we want to check the renewal we could check in or in the settings menu >> >> about device software update

2. clean up some of the homescreen

possess and use live wallpapers will also slow down the performance of our smartphones, due to take RAM as well. therefore if we use a static or stationary wallpaper is much better because it does not take up too much ram. sometimes we forget to delete images / wallpaper that has not wanted to use again, this course akna reduce memory capacity.

3. remove / menguinstal applications that are not used

one good way is to remove the application if it were already no longer used aliases are not used, as well as applications that are not used will add the application icon in the menu screen smartphone, it also makes the ram used ,. The greatest effect is the application that takes up a lot of RAM and memory ,. smartphone if we have a small storage space Yag, then we will have difficulty storing many files because memorynya bit

4. clear the cache in applications

cache function itself is speeding up application loading, Amun also takes up a lot of space in this cache cleaned of internal memory, it will reduce the memory that we use. how to remove dalah go to settings >> all aplikais >> tab and then select the application that we want to remove the cached but if we want to delete the entire cache on our smartphones are setting >> >> cache storage of data and then click ok to remove

5. disable auto synchronization

auto synchronization may make us more quickly as it can get faster data such as fuel, whatsapp and so forth, but it also eats memory and ram. My advice disable auto synchronization

6.factory reset

the last thing I discussed untuyk accelerates performance by resetting your smartphone is your mobile phone, because it was too much and it is hard to dikerjaka one then this one makes the best because it directly form the factory settings as we buy smartphones baru.tetapi keep in mind with this method will remove ,, everything including your data such as contacts, gallery, the document is and so forth. it's good to do this before we ackup first.

That bebebrapa tips that can be done on our smartphones a bit slow or has been super slow. may be useful

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hay friend, have you ever heard the word VPN you? perhaps for some people know what a vpn, vpn are the features of the computer that allows us to safely surf comfortably and without block alias without a firewall. so we surf with vpn as we use its own network but the network created by the virtual computer.

here are some benefits vpn vpn benefits

1. securing our internet connection while transacting online

while transacting online be it a lot or a little is better to use VPN to protect data theft, especially if the transaction using wifi offices and other public networks

2. allow secret browsing activities diinternet

surf sometimes we want to do it prifat or private where the website address is secret is also uses vpn.terkadang we feel afraid one of the websites that we visit we can store personal information, with vpn will be more secure because of this. This is usually related to copyright

3. blocked access web isp

often we are upset is engrossed in surfing at the time of going to explore one web address that the address is blocked by the ISP. by using our VPN will be more widely explored and unblock the internet without any obstacles.

4. allow all increase download speeds

it is possible once we download large files using a vpn slightly. with vpn as we use the private network tan
My conclusion using the vpn feel safe when surfing the reactor data theft is often done being spent tertentu.di computer website is also available vpn windows default there are also some software that can do the VPN feature. such HOSTPOTSHIELD, ZENMATE etc. are also many free ones please find yourself according to your needs, that's some amazing benefits of a vpn may be useful

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Powerful Tips to save quotas internet on android smartphone !!

friends, surfing the Internet world is so exciting. perhaps in some people the Internet has become a necessity that can not be separated. many benefits obtained, ranging from chores, selling online blogs and so forth even as the media uptodate information. kemudaha and speed of information that the Internet increasingly favored mebuat and increasing every year.
but the internet can only be accessed using a data packet / quota. therefore we use traditional internet before we have to have enough data packets, and the packets of data that we can buy in stores / shops pulses terdekat.tetapi sometimes people do not heed the data packets are exploited because their use is irregular. therefore imperative that we save a data packet will we gunakan.disini I will give some tips to save on data packets.

1. Change the MAP in android using offline methods

sometimes we do not know why our data packages more quickly than usual,, we are not aware of one possible cause is a feature of MAP. if this folder feature online mode then wherever we take him android smartphone will show navigation and provide info where we singgahi, so that the data packet had been in use for turn navigation, traffic, turn by turn direction etc.

2. The use mailbok on smartphones

mailbok use is important. often we use email to transact electronic / electronic communication like sending pictures, receive images and others that use a lot of data. with mailbok this, our data should not be too inedible because we use mailbo

3. using a browser that saving the data

using a capable browser and save the data very well, for example, save the page with 5x backward we go that's better because it does not akna using packet data. as well as download and streaming needs, a good browser uses a data-saving features boost video. so it is very efficient at all, bufering made video, images so vivid and so forthx

4. disable automatic updates

friend, we often see our mobile phones are being updated when we do not do it. nah kalo update application data packets yng definitely need a lot, so that will annihilate us the data packet, the way is disabling auto update application, this will reduce the use of all data packets

5. Avoid excessive video streaming

often we are engrossed see funny videos on Facebook or the other, the use of video streaming package is very large. so avoid the use of streaming video if it is not too important...

That's some great tips for saving data packets we remember


then the quota is a packet data usage limit, if we use our data packets exceeds the limit then we will add the monthly spending packages may be useful data

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hi blogger friend, how are you? hopefully always so healthy. friend, have you ever heard the word tweeter? wah certainly is not foreign to the word yes, nearly all young people have a tweeter, even to the upper middle class also has a tweeter. tweeter founded by Jack Dorsey in 2006 and sapai now mecapai millions of twitter users.
already sanagat obviously uses tweeter many advantages. yah dengen has many followers we can take advantage.

one of them is as a gathering place, yes, the relationship in the digital era, as now does not have to meet face to face. USING enough sosialpun media can make a tool to stay in touch.
This time I am not discussing the advantages or disadvantages of using twitter. the kana I discussed this time is how to add twitter followers quickly. surely you are wondering how mendapatka followers quickly? whether using spam? or using a bot? not, that I do is to sign into twitter as often as possible ,, because we sign will continue to increase our followers, we will continue to connect the logic of this denganmedia, and certainly will make the status or image or the other. with this kana we add more followers, more more friends we share our shipment will be felt at all. the companions post lah-grade status and bermakana ,, it will be a lot of twitter followers to us.

if we use the tools spamer or autu follow. then we will be detected spam acount. the affection we had many followers in key acount by twiter.

That's a few tips from me hopefully useful

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FRIEND, of course, is not foreign to our ears about the meaning FACEBOOK. yes, Facebook is one of the many social media or social networks that exist in the hemisphere ini.apabila before you know Facebok, you know myspace, etc. then facebookpun not lose with them because terms are not much different pengguaan facebook.ok , facebook was first introduced by Mark Zuckerberg while he was a student at the University of HARVARD in 2004 for the students. and newly introduced to the children to school around 2005 and introduced to the public in 2006.

benefits facebook
in the internet age now where facebook has meaning quite penting.diantara the many benefits of the most widely perceived by me, namely

- As a place for friends, here we can find a friend as much as we want to interact. and the most memorable was when finding an old friend lost contact us facebook

- As a promotion, one that I did was sell beli.memanfaatkan social media activities such as Facebok I think is a good thing and effective to Promote my efforts.

- Well for the students or even a school child workers can also use facebook for long-distance means of discussion that does not allow face to face

- It could be to be material relationships, for which the pair have ya hehehhe

- As a place of learning also tablets, as with so many friends we can to means of sharing

- As a gathering place and aajang

That few of the many benefits of facebook, so now we see the disadvantages

- Reducing the effectiveness of the work time, because it was too busy using facebook

- Pornograf, this may be because millions of people use them

- Decimate an allowance, because its use is to use a packet data

- When too often can interfere with learning

- Creates a feeling of jealousy

- Cause many problems if we can not control themselves

That's my little review on facebook friend may be useful yes. wait for my next article, which might be useful for there all

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Quick Ways followers on INSTAGRAM ADDED TO THE SAFE

hay friends meet again with my friend iatu know right what INSTAGRAM? many people in the world use it, of course, with a myriad of benefits as long as we use it for positive things. talk talk about Instagram if my friend already knew what it instagram? yes my little share, INSTAGRAM is one of the social media giant FACEBOOK belonging that allows you to upload photos, status updates and can even share it to all your friends idi Instagram. before you upload the photos you can put some of the features of the existing filter da even you can use a hashtag (#) to categorize photos that you like, not just the code (#) also allows us more liked by everyone because those keywords, with many Like, can then automatically ADDING YOU with many FOLOWERS

this is the face on his official web instagram

before we go to the Instagram helps us to know in advance the many benefits that folower on instagram

- If you have an online store then it will be easier behavior if we post on instagram
- In addition to the above, if you have a lot of followers, then it's not impossible there will be advertisers who want to place it in your instagram
- But it is also with many followers will make proud have an account Intagram

that he was one of the many benefits we followes on instagram,

ok we go to pembahan main ways to bring a lot of followers on instagram

1. follow accounts that many followers
with follow acount that many followers make us semain easy to get followers, like instagram many artists folowersnya

2. follow and unfollow on acount followers many
usually with acount follow and unfollow acoun in turn would see our acount and this will make us visible acount M any people.

3. utilize the hashtag (#) or hashtag popular
sometimes we look at the status of an account or instagram many uses (#) EQUAL, this can only make us more acount known to many people because of the hashtag. because many people will see our status ,, especially if it's popular, easy to be with us much memfollow acount

That little tips QUICKLY TO THE FOLLOWER, hopefully useful

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hay friends, meet again with me. as the Internet, of course you already know that in every browser application that we have to store cookies and cache when we surf the Internet. the longer we surfed the more cookies and cache are automatically saved on the internet. if more are stored, then the hard disk capacity we will also be low.

of course you do not want the full capacity of our hard drives? besides friend, the more cache and cookies that we store, it is also very dangerous, because can happen also web sites that we visit the record cache and cookies we, so password bank or other critical password is known. for that we need a good software untu cope with this,

here I recommend clear and clean profit perform this task, in addition to its use of simple sooftware is also distributed free of charge. certainly very profitable is not it?

This software was clean and clean appearance of the course can be downloaded directly through the official website at the hot clean.

once downloaded the extension installed and run. after the way the browser will restart and after restart in the upper right corner will be visible extension application and click once then it will appear as below

a glance at each key uses clear and clean in browser

- Delete browsing history is deleting your browser history you have visited
- Remove download history ie remove your download history is saved in a file download
- Delete cookies and delete data plug-ins on other sites that delete cookies and web data stored by plug-ins using NPAPI
- Delete the cache that is to delete your browsing data is stored, if not removed then you have ever visited as the data will be saved if you type a partial address or search code in a browser
- Remove the password storage is to delete the existing data in the browser that stores the password login site that once we have entered
- Remove the automatic storage of data that fill form Autofill delete all the text in a web form.
- Delete data from hosted apps that remove the data from the Apps that you add to Google Chrome from the Chrome Web Store, one Gmail Offline.
- Authorize content licenses that prevent the Flash Player to play protected content, such as movies and music purchased officially.

That's one of the tips remove COOKIES AND CACHE easily and PRACTICAL

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I want to ask my friend, one of you who are not annoyed with the activities that are not clear invitation game so rich. of course you've all been there instead, and it struck me as annoying as they sometimes did not confirm in advance with us. nah friend, there is a way neh that we are not subjected to interference by a friend who invite us in gamesnya

we find the arrow in the upper right corner and then click on it will pop up and then click on settings and appeared popup blocking back and click lah

after we click it will appear block blocking app. well here we write tuh name of the game that we do not like and click the name of his ads

nah all phases have been completed, I hope the facebooker is not exposed again invite games with less favored, in fact many ways to block invite the group and others, but since we're talking block game yah we are forced to discuss this first so that you understand better again, especially beginners like me. although we've not beginners sometimes also a bit difficult to block what we lack love. This hopefully ya friend.

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Tricks And Tips Download Video On His Facebook Page a Click

tricks and tips download video on his facebook page a click

who does not know facebook now, yes, the world's largest social media today is facebook. everyone is familiar on facebook. almost every day people interact with each other using facebook, starting with status updates, upload photos and can also upload video to share.
besides facebook could also be used for the sharing and exchange, where buying and selling, and get to know the outside world without borders.
although Facebook has many advantages, but we must be keen to sort out where the good and the bad.
nah like that picture sederhan atetang facebook, now back to the initial topic, namely how to download facebook easily almost a click

The first

-Please enter your facebook acount


-bukalah page containing the video content we want to download


-change address by adding m. didepanya to change the mobile version

as the following example

suppose you see the video in
Add the url then didepanya with
then click the link that will appear above it popup.setelah click save link with the name
nah by clicking on the link to save the videos in the url

nah approximately like the picture without any software download video almost a click
may be useful

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